Everyone loves a great event. In 2019, I hosted the IAF’s Facilitation Impact Awards (FIA) in Milan in a renovated insane asylum – it was cozy, human and spontaneous. In 2020, we put up a quick virtual event, designed the trophy and had our first viral tweet – it was stressful, and we learned a lot. This year, we brought in live music, sponsors, an interactive platform, a team of 20 professional facilitators for awardee panels, and did a 24-hour conference the week before. The feedback has been super… “loved the interaction” | “felt special as an awardee” | “inspiring & entertaining” | “rare opportunity to discuss with talented people” – 92% of participants said it was a positive experience; 88% of them endorsed the goal of the event – that #facilitationhasimpact. Clearly, no one has time for a mediocre event; it has to be #betterthannetflix – and we delivered that. So, what will we do in 2022?
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